
Lean in… and get some sand in your togs

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My mother always says the only sure things in life are death and taxes. This is very true however I think a modern update to this saying is the only sure think in life is death, taxes and change. I started my career as a business education teacher and in my first year I was teaching typing on typewriters (electric ones – I am not that old…). I remember the… Read More »Lean in… and get some sand in your togs

Learning from the TV

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Who knew that you could learn things from TV?  Apart from Sir David Attenborough and other documentaries the TV landscape always seemed to me to be a bit barren in terms of increasing the old IQ.  However, I learnt something watching Instinct on TV last week.  It is a great show – give it a watch if you get a chance. In my last post I talked about change as… Read More »Learning from the TV